At Dr. Kaushik's Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic, we examine people, not the disease. An imbalance creates illness in the body, and we support the body's natural ability to heal itself. We combine Ayurveda's unique therapies with Naturopathy to create an individualized wellness program to match your body type or metabolic type to achieve the optimum healing benefits from treatment. These methods have been proven to be very effective in treating most chronic conditions in children, adults, and the elderly. When you arrive at the clinic, you will be consulted by an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic doctor, and your wellness options will be discussed in detail. Based on the individual body type, disease, and the severity of the condition, therapies will be recommended and discussed with you. Lifestyle changes, breathing exercises (Pranayama), yoga asanas, and dietary changes are integral to an individual's whole body wellness plan. Make sure to ask questions and clear any doubts you may have. We would like you to be informed and educated about your options and open to the various treatment options offered. We believe that the optimum benefits will be achieved when the patient and provider work together with the complete understanding that whatever is done is just for you to help your body function at its optimum level. Therapy dates will be scheduled according to your work schedule and comfort. "We support people, not the disease. An imbalance in the body creates illness, and we support the body's natural ability to heal itself."
New York State does not license Naturopathic Doctors to practice medicine. The practice of the profession of medicine is defined as diagnosing, treating, operating, or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition. Somesh Kaushik, ND, BAMS, is not an MD and does not practice medicine in the state of New York. Furthermore, his services are not meant to replace or be a substitute for those of a licensed medical practitioner or your MD. If you seek the care of Dr. Somesh Kaushik in New York, he advises that you seek the concurrent consideration of a physician licensed in New York State. In New York State, Dr. Kaushik functions as a health consultant and focuses his practice on enhancing and maintaining health. He uses his education and experience in Ayurveda and Naturopathy to give you suggestions. You make correct decisions about whether to use his tips and agree to the physical contact necessary for assessing your case.
Office location
792 Route 35, Cross River, New York, 10518Give us a call
(914) 875-9088Send us an email
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